Claudia Alcelay

Claudia Alcelay

  • Product Manager, AI at Project Management Institute

Claudia Alcelay is an experienced project manager specializing in AI with a deep background in innovation, particularly in driving the evolution of the EdTech sector. She has served for the European Commission and various ministries in Spain, Egypt, and France. She currently works as a Product Manager for AI at the Project Management Institute, where she focuses on developing innovative solutions to enhance their training portfolio. Additionally, her professional journey involves leveraging a knowledge-based approach in data-centric AI models. She is an active community member, sharing her findings in her weekly newsletter, on LinkedIn, "My AI Reading List," and also serving as a panelist for MIT Technology Review and participating in the Advisory Council for Harvard Business Review (HBR).

All Sessions by Claudia Alcelay

Site visit at Nord Security September 26, 2024
DataEra September 26, 2024
Hands-On Practice September 27, 2024
Site visit at Science and Technology Park of Institute of Physics September 26, 2024 September 26, 2024